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Coastal Premier Insurance Group, Inc.

902 Clint Moore Rd. Suite 132
Boca Raton, FL 33487

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Understanding Home Insurance and Your Airbnb Business

For many, renting their home with Airbnb has been lucrative. Millions of homeowners worldwide use the Airbnb platform to earn extra money by making their unused living spaces available to travelers. But if you’re a homeowner thinking of doing Airbnb, there are considerations to consider regarding your homeowner’s insurance with Coastal Premier Insurance Group serving Boca Raton, FL.

Homeowners Insurance Isn’t Commercial Insurance

Homeowners insurance isn’t designed to be used like commercial insurance. And if you’re doing Airbnb with your home, it is a business endeavor that requires business/commercial insurance. Because of this, it’s unlikely that your home insurance would cover damages or liabilities that occur during a guest’s stay. This coverage gap could leave you, as a homeowner, exposed to significant financial risk.

Airbnb Insurance

Airbnb offers up to one million in protection per rental, but it may or may not cover all your losses. The Airbnb policy may not cover certain things, which could leave your claim unpaid. Another thing to know is that there are anecdotal reports that Airbnb isn’t easy or transparent to work with regarding claims. Whether or not that’s true, it’s worth thinking about when considering your liability coverage.

Discuss Options With Your Insurance Agent

Your best bet is to discuss your Airbnb plans with your Coastal Premier Insurance Group insurance agent serving Boca Raton, FL. There may be options available to you, such as insurance riders, that will give you the protection you need. It’s not dissimilar to when a person runs an office or other kind of business out of their home.

The last thing you need is damage from a rental with no coverage. There are options available, but you need to contact us to discuss them and implement plans. Contact us today to learn more.

Property Insurance for Businesses: Safeguarding Your Physical Assets

The business world is unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances can occur anytime. Property damage is one of them that can cause significant problems for businesses, which is why it’s essential to have insurance coverage for your physical assets. Property insurance is the type of policy that protects businesses from unexpected losses or damage to their assets due to natural disasters caused by humans. Coastal Premier Insurance Group discusses why property insurance is a must-have for businesses in Boca Raton, FL.

  1. Protection Against Natural Disasters: Florida is no stranger to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and windstorms. Hurricanes can lead to the loss or damage of their physical assets. Property insurance can provide coverage for replacing or repairing damaged property and the funds needed to cover business interruptions caused by natural disasters.
  2. Coverage Against Fire: Fire is also a significant threat to businesses in Boca Raton. Accidental fires can damage property and equipment, leading to significant financial loss for businesses. Property insurance can cover repair and replacement costs of damaged property due to fire, including equipment and machinery.
  3. Protection against Theft: Businesses are at risk from theft, vandalism, or burglary. Theft can lead to property loss and other assets, seriously impacting a business’s operations. With property insurance, companies can protect themselves from financial loss arising from theft and related cases.
  4. Liability Coverage: Property insurance also provides liability coverage. For instance, if a visitor is injured on your property due to an accident, you could be held liable for any injuries sustained. 

Property insurance is a must-have for businesses in Boca Raton, FL. Contact Coastal Premier Insurance Group to invest in property insurance and safeguard your physical assets today!

What Types of Insurance Policies Pair with Umbrella Insurance?

If your current insurance policy doesn’t provide the amount of coverage you need to feel secure, you might wonder if umbrella insurance is an option to get more mileage out of it. At our office at Coastal Premier Insurance Group in Boca Raton, FL, clients frequently ask how umbrella insurance might be able to extend their home insurance or other insurance policies’ ability to handle worst-case scenarios.

 While umbrella insurance can be an excellent solution for increasing a policy’s coverage, it only works with certain policies. The article below shares what types of policies pair with umbrella insurance.

What types of policies can you use with umbrella insurance?

The simple answer is that home insurance, boating or watercraft insurance, and auto insurance all pair with umbrella insurance policies. If you want to add an umbrella insurance policy to any of these ones, you shouldn’t have a problem as long as the policies meet the minimum requirements for limits and other factors. 

If you want to add umbrella insurance to a health insurance policy, life insurance policy, condo insurance policy, or other kind of insurance, you won’t be able to do so. Unfortunately, umbrella insurance only works with a handful of types of insurance. Still, umbrella insurance can be great if you want some extra coverage (and the extra peace of mind that comes with it!) for your homeowner’s insurance, boat insurance, or car insurance.

Even if you’ve added umbrella insurance to a policy, you’ll want to review the policy terms to see what it covers specifically. Umbrella insurance policies tend to cover liability if it exceeds the policy limit.

Call Coastal Premier Insurance Group in Boca Raton, FL today to hear about our umbrella insurance policies!

How does home insurance protect someone in Boca Raton?

The Boca Raton, FL area has continued to be a great place to own a home. When you have a property here, it could take a significant investment that you will want to pay off. One way you can protect your investment is by getting insurance. A home insurance plan can protect you and your Florida property in various ways. 

Protects Dwelling and Assets

One of the ways your home insurance plan can protect you is by protecting your dwelling and personal assets. When you have home insurance, it will provide support if a fire or other covered risks damage your home. This can be an excellent investment as the cost of making some repairs is high. This plan can also give you coverage for your personal assets if damaged or stolen. Individual riders can cover more valuable items in your insurance plan. 

Liability Coverage

Anyone that owns a home should be aware of their personal liability risks. Home insurance will also provide you with some personal liability support, which will come in handy if an accident on your property results in injuries or other damage. Not only will you have financial support, but you will also receive guidance and help throughout the stressful process. 

For individuals and property owners living in the Boca Raton, FL area, securing the appropriate home insurance policy is a big necessity. If you’re prepared to start your search for coverage, our Coastal Premier Insurance Group team is here to assist you. Our specialists with Coastal Premier Insurance Group recognize the importance of this kind of coverage. They can offer you the knowledge required to develop a policy that meets your specific requirements.

Does My Online Business Need Commercial Insurance?

Not all businesses require commercial insurance. That’s a little tidbit of honesty from Coastal Premier Insurance Group. However, some Boca Raton, FL, online businesses do need commercial insurance. You would need a commercial policy if your business handles other people’s personal property or sells products for delivery (not digital goods).

Defining Handles Other People’s Personal Property

If you offer restoration or cleaning of small items, such as jewelry or watches, your customers may mail you their items. That’s their personal property, and you need a commercial policy that covers those materials for you in case of theft, accidental damage, or a disaster.

Selling Tangible Products for Delivery

When you directly sell items such as shirts, mugs, caftans, books, etc., you need to cover your inventory with business inventory insurance. You don’t need this if you operate a drop shipping sales operation, but you do if you store the inventory at your home or a storage unit. Also, if you do store your own inventory, always purchase US Postal insurance for the packages. No, we don’t get a cut of their sales, but we do want your business to succeed.

When an Online Business Needs Liability Insurance

Now that essentially any business can operate online to some extent, more online businesses need liability coverage. If you operate an online consultancy as an attorney, doctor, nurse, or nurse practitioner, you’ll need liability coverage even though people don’t visit your physical location for meetings. Instead of protecting you from lawsuits due to trip and fall accidents, the policy offers protection from mistakes that cost the consumer money, health, or both.

Contact Coastal Premier Insurance Today

Contact Coastal Premier Insurance Group today to obtain the right insurance for your Boca Raton, FL-based online business. Let us help protect your business investment.

Staying Calm and Cool With Umbrella Insurance

There’s a lot of content floating around about umbrella insurance, and not much of it is easy to understand. Here at the Coastal Premier Insurance Group, we’ve taken the time to create a detailed and easy-to-understand definition of umbrella insurance. You can use this definition to stay calm and cool as you learn about this popular type of policy in Boca Raton, FL.

Umbrella Insurance Definition

Sometimes, the easiest way to understand the definition of something is to ask a question about it. For example, what kind of personal liability coverage protects the policyholder from claims that exceed the standard limits of their existing coverage?

Answer: Umbrella insurance coverage. 

How to own an umbrella policy?

You cannot purchase umbrella insurance without existing coverage already in place. Let’s say you want to buy umbrella coverage for your home. You can only do so if you already have homeowner’s insurance and you need coverage that extends beyond what is found in the existing policy. Umbrella insurance comes in many types, including umbrella auto coverage, umbrella homeowner’s policies, and even umbrella watercraft insurance.

Who is a good candidate for umbrella insurance?

People who have a lot of assets, have access to things that could be dangerous or do things that make them more likely to be sued are good candidates for umbrella insurance. This includes homeowners with trampolines or swimming pools on their property. If you partake in any of the following activities, you’re a solid candidate for an umbrella policy:

  • Managing property
  • Coaching athletes
  • Volunteering
  • Playing a contact sport
  • Regularly reviewing brands and products

Contact the Coastal Premier Insurance Group today to learn more about umbrella insurance and whether you’d benefit from coverage. The firm is ready to assist you with all of your Boca Raton, FL insurance needs.

Does Home Insurance Cover Theft of Personal Items at School or Work?

As a Boca Raton, FL homeowner, you have a lot to consider when protecting your home and possessions. But what happens if one of your most prized possessions is taken while you’re away from home? Does your Coastal Premier Insurance Group home insurance cover theft of personal items at school or work?

Personal Property Coverage for Theft 

In most cases, yes, standard homeowners insurance covers theft away from home. This coverage is known as personal property coverage and covers any theft or damage to items you own, no matter where they are located. 

Additional Types of Coverage 

Suppose you want more coverage than standard homeowners insurance provides. In that case, you can purchase several other types of coverage that will provide additional protection if something happens to your personal belongings while they are away from home. For example, an umbrella policy provides extra liability protection in case someone else gets injured due to something stolen from you at school or work. Additionally, pet insurance can help protect against the loss or theft of a beloved pet should such a tragedy occur at an off-site location. 

Homeowners insurance is designed to provide peace of mind when it comes to protecting your belongings inside and outside the home—but it pays to double-check exactly what type of coverage you have in place so that there won’t be any surprises if something were to happen. If you live in Boca Raton, FL, and need help determining what type of coverage is right for you, contact Coastal Premier Insurance Group today! We’ll help ensure that you have all the protection necessary when it comes time to rest easy, knowing that any theft or damage done to your property is covered!

Questions To Ask Before Getting Commercial Insurance

If you have a business, it is important to carry proper commercial insurance. Finding the right policy to protect your company, yourself, and your employees might be complicated, so we have put together a list of questions you should ask before getting a commercial insurance policy.

  • Do I need commercial insurance? Many businesses remain uninsured because business owners do not want to spend extra money on business insurance. However, the answer to this question is yes, you need business insurance. This insurance is a guarantee that your business is covered and protected. 
  • How much do I have to pay for insurance? As a business owner, you probably plan your budget and want to know how much commercial insurance would cost. The cost of business insurance depends on certain factors, including the specifics of the policy, your industry, and the insurance company. 
  • How much coverage do I need? There are many types of commercial insurance, including workers’ compensation, commercial property insurance, cyber liability, commercial auto insurance, and more. It is essential not to overinsure your business because it can be quite costly. Underinsuring a business is also a common problem. It is recommended to talk to an experienced insurance agent, who will recommend you the proper coverage. 

Coastal Premier Insurance Group – Reliable and Trustworthy Insurance Company in Boca Raton, FL

If you own a business in sunny Florida and are looking for commercial insurance to protect it, Coastal Premier Insurance Group is ready to assist you. Our company specializes in different types of insurance, including business insurance. Contact us to help you get the perfect insurance coverage according to your business needs and budget. 

What Types of Umbrella Insurance Are There?

Umbrella insurance is never a legal requirement for Boca Raton, FL residents, but many purchase these policies to guard against financial loss. Your Coastal Premier Insurance Group provider can provide specifics on what would be covered.

Umbrella insurance is designed to work in tandem with your other types of indemnification. Limits are typically higher, and these will begin to cover costs once your primary coverage is exhausted. The scope of named perils can sometimes be broader as well. 

You can purchase umbrella insurance on your automobile so that you and others will be covered for physical injuries and property damage in a wreck. Some people opt for this protection, as collisions can result in lawsuits or exorbitant medical bills. 

Business owners can decide to buy commercial umbrella insurance for various categories. You can obtain coverage that extends to your buildings and the property, as many companies store expensive machinery, inventory, and raw materials in their warehouses. Slander, errors and omissions, libel, and advertising mistakes, like typos and misleading information, can also be included. 

You can also add an umbrella policy to your homeowner’s insurance, which will add a more robust cap when dealing with incidents, such as injuries to guests and their medical bills or lawsuits resulting from negligence. Additionally, repairs to your house should be taken care of, and this is particularly important if your dwelling is costly or if you have possessions that are rare or difficult to replace. 

Coastal Premier Insurance Group Can Help

Visit our website, or stop by the office in person. You can also call and speak to our knowledgeable agents for more information, and we provide excellent insurance resources for those living in the Boca Raton, FL area. 

Will Home Insurance Help When Someone Is Injured on My Property?

It’s a sad reality that accidents happen, even on your own Boca Raton, FL property. Will your home insurance policy cover the medical expenses if someone is injured on your property? It may, depending on the situation. Here’s what you need to know about home insurance and medical coverage from Coastal Premier Insurance Group.

What is personal liability insurance?

Personal liability insurance is insurance that protects an individual from being held liable for damages arising from accidents or injuries that they cause. This type of insurance can help save a person’s assets, such as their home or savings, from being seized if they are sued and found liable for damages. It can also help cover legal defense costs if a person is sued.

Will my home insurance cover me when someone is hurt on my property?

If someone is injured on your property, your home insurance policy may help cover their medical expenses and any property damage resulting from the accident. Most home insurance policies include personal liability coverage, which can help protect you financially if you’re sued for damages after someone is injured on your property.

Is personal liability insurance required for homeowners?

Personal liability insurance is not required for homeowners, but it is recommended. Also, if you have a mortgage, the lender may require you to purchase home insurance as part of your loan agreement.

Coastal Premier Insurance Group, based in Boca Raton, FL, offers homeowners insurance policies that protect your home, belongings, and family. We offer various coverage options to meet your needs, and our experienced team is here to help you choose the right policy for your situation. Please contact us today to learn more about our home insurance options.