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902 Clint Moore Rd. Suite 132
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Do you need an umbrella insurance plan in Boca Raton?

People that live in and around Boca Raton, FL area always going to have some type of personal liability risk. While some of these risks can be covered with auto or home insurance plans, others will not be covered by these policies. To ensure that you are properly covered, you should get an umbrella insurance plan. There are several situations when having an umbrella insurance plan would be a good idea for someone. 

When Wanting Coverage for Significant Claims

A reason why someone here may want to have an umbrella insurance plan is when they want to have coverage for the most significant claims. If you are involved in an accident and are found liable, there is always a chance that the actual damages will be in excess of your policy limit. If this does happen to you, it will be important that you have the appropriate coverage in place. An umbrella insurance plan will offer the additional coverage you need to ensure protection.

When Wanting Peace of Mind

You will also want to get an umbrella policy due to the peace of mind that it can provide. When you get an umbrella policy you will know that you have coverage against significant claims and if you are sued for a claim that is not covered under your base policy. This can provide you with great peace of mind and comfort knowing that you are protected against unpredictable situations. 

There are a lot of reasons why you should get an umbrella policy in the Boca Raton, FL area. As you are looking for coverage, it would be wise to call Coastal Premier Insurance Group. The team with Coastal Premier Insurance Group can help you choose a plan that meets your needs and gives you the necessary protection.

Why Florida Homeowners Should Add Liability Coverage To Their Home Insurance Policies

Based in Boca Raton, FL, Coastal Premier Insurance Group helps serve the community by offering residents multiple types of insurance coverage. We want to help our clients find policies to protect their assets well into the future. We work closely with over 20 insurance carriers around the country.

Why Florida Homeowners Should Add Liability Coverage

Your home is one of your most valuable possessions. That’s why it is important that you protect it. Home insurance covers your property if it suffers damage. The personal items inside of your home are also protected in the event of an accident or if you are a victim of theft. Home insurance provides you with a layer of security as you go through the rights and responsibilities as a homeowner. One of the most important parts of your home insurance policy is liability coverage.

Liability coverage is an asset because accidents can happen at any time. You’ll be covered if someone gets injured while they are visiting your Boca Raton FL residence. While you may think that the coverage only considers your guests, you may be held liable if the person who delivers your mail is injured on your property. However, liability coverage will give you peace of mind.

If you have a pet, liability coverage is an asset. You will be protected if your pet injures someone or causes damage to someone else’s property. If you are working on a landscaping project and someone accidentally gets hurt, liability coverage will protect you.

If you add special amenities to your home, such as a Jacuzzi or a trampoline, liability coverage is important. If an accident were to occur while someone was using these structures, they could get seriously injured, if not worse. Liability coverage could potentially prevent you from suffering huge losses and being involved in an ugly liability dispute.

Coastal Premier Insurance Group Will Help You Protect Your Asset

Visit our website to learn more information about home insurance.

When does someone need to get umbrella insurance in Florida?

Anyone that is in Boca Raton, FL needs to spend time thinking about their different insurance needs. One type of insurance that people in this area of Florida could benefit from is umbrella insurance. This is a unique form of insurance that can offer you additional personal liability insurance coverage. There are a few different situations when someone here would benefit from getting this type of coverage.

When Wanting More Coverage

One situation when you would benefit from getting umbrella insurance is when you want more personal liability coverage. An umbrella insurance policy will normally kick in when you have been involved in an accident that has damages that exceed your policy limits. If this is the case for you and you have umbrella insurance, you will have additional protection and coverage through this policy, which could offset the risk that you would need to come out of pocket for damages. 

When Needing Broader Coverage

You should also get an umbrella insurance policy when you want to have broader coverage. With umbrella insurance, you can get protection and coverage against a very broad set of risks. If you have an umbrella insurance policy, it will give you far more protection than you’d receive through a home or auto policy. 

There are a variety of scenarios when having umbrella coverage is a good idea. If you are in Boca Raton, FL and are looking for this insurance, you could benefit greatly by calling the Coastal Premier Insurance Group. The insurance team at the Coastal Premier Insurance Group understands the importance of having a proper umbrella policy. The team can help you better assess your needs and get you into a new policy that will provide you with the best type and level of coverage. 

3 Questions to Ask When Shopping for Home Insurance

Your home is probably one of the most important investments you will ever make. Not only is this an important financial investment, but it is also important on a very personal level. Your house is where your family comes together to make memories. This is one of the most important reasons why you should choose your home insurance carefully. At Coastal Premier Insurance Group, serving Boca Raton, FL, we understand how very important this is investment is. Keep reading to find out 3 questions you should ask when shopping for home insurance. 

How Can I Make Sure My Belongings Are Properly Covered?

Your home insurance policy will cover an estimated amount for your personal belongings. If these belongings should be damaged or lost during a disaster, your insurance policy will kick in. However, in order to make sure that the policy is sufficient to cover the cost of your belongings, it is very important that you do a thorough and accurate evaluation of your belongings. This will vary from family to family. Each family has their own standard of living. This standard of living will greatly influence the amount of coverage needed to cover your belongings. In order to create an accurate estimate, it can be helpful to sit down with an insurance representative. 

Is Flood Insurance Covered

Many homeowners make the mistake of assuming flood insurance is covered in their policy. In many cases, flood insurance is an added type of coverage. Flood insurance amounts must be calculated very specifically for your region and even your location within that region. Be sure to talk to an insurance representative about this type of coverage. 

What Does Personal Liability Cover?

This is an important question to ask because personal liability can differ from policy to policy. You want to make sure that your liability coverage is adequate for your lifestyle. 

If you would like to learn more please contact our office at Coastal Premier Insurance Group, serving Boca Raton, FL. 

Commercial Insurance Requirements in Florida

Whether you own a two hundred person company or a small business with just a few employees, it is important to understand what specific insurance requirements apply to you. Specific to Florida, business owners need to be aware of two types of insurance – workers’ compensation and commercial auto coverage. Starting with workers’ compensation insurance, any business that employees four or more employees – regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time – is legally required to have workers’ compensation insurance. Keep in mind that if you operate a construction-related business then even just one employee means that you must offer workers’ compensation insurance. In short, workers’ compensation insurance helps pay for costly medical bills associated with an employee’s workplace injury or illness. As mentioned earlier, in addition to workers’ compensation insurance, any business-owned vehicles are required to be covered under a commercial auto insurance policy. While it is not required, if you ask employees to utilize their personal vehicles for any business-related function such as doing an estimate or delivering an item then it is strongly recommended that those vehicles be covered under a hired and non-owned auto policy because traditional insurance policies for personal vehicles are highly likely to exclude business use. 

Armed with this wealth of information, Florida business owners are now better prepared to support their employees while ensuring peace of mind for their livelihoods. At Coastal Premier Insurance Group in Boca Raton, FL, our talented team of insurance professionals can assist in customizing the perfect commercial insurance policy for your needs. While workers’ compensation and commercial auto insurance are state-mandated requirements, we can walk you through additional coverages that are available and may make sense for specific businesses. Give us a call today to schedule a no-obligation consultation. 

Do I Really Need Umbrella Insurance?

There are horrific stories about people who had insurance, but they, unfortunately, encountered a peril that exceeded their coverage limit. If they would have gotten umbrella insurance, they would not have encountered those devastating losses with inadequate insurance coverage.

Umbrella insurance is a wonderful thing to have. And while it is understandable that umbrella insurance is an extra layer of coverage, you may still wonder do you really need it. There are key factors that may indicate your need for umbrella insurance, and they are as follows: 

  •  Most consumers in their 20s won’t need umbrella insurance

Unless you have gotten a significant amount of assets/wealth in your 20s, you may not need that extra coverage. 

  •  You may need it if you have a business. 

For your protection against lawsuits or other catastrophes, it may be in your best interest to get this supplemental insurance in addition to business insurance. 

  •  You may be building wealth and assets.

There are limitations on home, auto, and commercial insurance. So, what if the unthinkable occurs and everything you work for has come to shambles? Don’t allow you and your loved ones to be in this predicament. In such cases, it will behoove you to get that extra layer of coverage. 

  •  You have gotten married/started a family. 

To ensure you and your loved ones are properly covered, you may need umbrella insurance. With the possibility of outlandish medical bills for your children participating in sports, for instance, to a possible theft in your house/business, don’t get caught off guard!

Umbrella insurance is very important when it comes to these situations and more. For more information about umbrella insurance, contact a trusted, licensed, and experienced insurance company today.

Coastal Premier Insurance Group exceeds these qualifications. Located in Boca Raton, FL, Coastal Premier Group record speaks for itself. The people and companies in Boca Raton, FL and surrounding areas love and trust Coastal Premier Insurance Group, and you can too. So, contact them today!

Who needs to get home insurance in Boca Raton?

Those that are looking for a new place to move to should consider Boca Raton, FL. This area of Florida has great weather and plenty of recreational amenities, including access to the ocean and beaches. Due to this, it is also a great place to purchase a property. When you are going to purchase a home here, you need to make sure that you properly insure it. There are several situations when someone will need to have this insurance for their property.

When Living in a Condo Association

For those that are in the Boca Raton, FL area, it is very common to live in a community that is governed by an association. When you live in an association, the rules will usually require that you carry insurance on your home. This is often a requirement as it helps to ensure that you have the insurance to repair your property if it is damaged or to cover any liability claims if you cause damage to another property in the community.

When Taking out a Mortgage

Mortgage rates today are very attractive and most people that own a home will want to take one out to take advantage of the interest rates. If you do take out a mortgage, it is important that you comply with your mortgage loan agreement. Most of the time, these agreements will require that you carry a home insurance policy as it will protect your lender’s collateral.

If you are looking for a home insurance policy in this area, you should speak with the Coastal Premier Insurance Group. The team at the Coastal Premier Insurance Group can help you to pick a policy that offers you the right type and level of protection. This can help to protect your prized asset. 

Benefits of Commercial Insurance for Small Businesses

Small businesses of all types need to be covered by a commercial insurance policy.  A traditional business insurance policy will protect your company against any property damage caused by you or someone who works for you to a client’s property.  If you pay anyone to work other than yourself then worker’s compensation insurance is a requirement.  Employers’ liability insurance will protect you from employees who could potentially sue the company over pay discrepancies or work-related accidents.  

This type of coverage can also help pay for claims if an employee is injured while operating company machinery or other vehicle and if they damage someone else’s property with that equipment or vehicle.  

If you are the sole proprietor of  a small business and do not carry the proper insurance then you could be held personally responsible for loss or damages.  This could possibly result in losing your business and even personal property like your home. 

General liability insurance will help protect you in the event a customer files a lawsuit due to an incident on company property or while you were performing a service on their property.      

Coastal Premier Insurance Group in the Boca Raton, FL area can help small business owners assess the needs for their individual company.  A knowledgeable insurance agent will discuss the types of insurance and the coverage each one provides.  Beyond the basic liability coverage a small  business should consider policies to protect against the following:

  • Theft
  • Loss of inventory
  • Identity theft protection
  • Property damage 
  • Insurance for company vehicles

Stay on top of your small business insurance by discussing the policy every year with a Coastal Premier Insurance Group agent in the Boca Raton, FL area. This will ensure that you are covered in the event of an accident or lawsuit. Your agent can work with you to fine-tune the details of the policy to suit your individual business needs.  

What New Homeowner’s Need To Know About Homeowner’s Insurance

Buying your first home can be an exciting time in life. There are many things to plan and think of. While you are busy with the details of your new home, don’t forget the importance of homeowner’s insurance. At Coastal Premier Insurance Group serving Boca Raton, FL it is our great pleasure to educate our clients on important insurance topics. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about homeowner’s insurance. 

Why Is Homeowner’s Insurance Important?

Homeowner’s insurance is put in place to protect the homeowner’s from the vulnerability caused by fire, damage, and burglaries to their home. Without homeowner’s insurance, any damage or loss to your home or property will be your own responsibility. This can put the average family in a very vulnerable position financially. Homeowners’ insurance is there to kick in to cover repairs and replacements in the event of damage and loss. 

What Is Covered By Homeowner’s Insurance?

Homeowner’s insurance covers a few different things. Policies can be customized to meet your particular needs as well. In general homeowner’s insurance will cover the following areas:

Damage or Loss of Home- If your home is damaged or completely lost due to fire or natural disaster the policy will cover the repair or replacement of your home and belongings. You should evaluate your coverage amounts closely to make sure they are adequate for your home and belongings. Loss due to burglaries is also covered under this. 

Liability- Liability coverage will cover any expenses you might be held liable for if someone is injured on your property. The expenses incurred because of an injury can get very expensive. These expenses can leave you financially vulnerable without insurance coverage. 

A Note On Flood Insurance

It is important to note that most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage. This is usually an added policy. 

If you would like to learn more about homeowner’s insurance, please call Coastal Premier Insurance Group serving Boca Raton, FL, and surrounding areas. 

How can umbrella insurance protect someone?

Making sure that you have proper personal insurance at all times is very important. When you are in the Boca Raton, FL area, one form of insurance that is very important to have is personal liability insurance protection. If you are looking to improve your personal liability insurance protection, upgrading to an umbrella insurance policy can be a great idea. An umbrella insurance policy can protect someone in many different ways.

Provides Coverage for Wide Range of Risks

One advantage of an umbrella insurance policy is that it can provide you with coverage for a wider range of risks. If you have an umbrella insurance policy, it will give you coverage for many different situations and scenarios that could result in a liability claim. This tends to be more inclusive than the coverage you’d get from a home or auto policy.

Gives Coverage for More Serious Events

Most of the time, someone will have some liability insurance coverage in their home and auto policies. However, if there is a situation where you cause an accident that comes with a very significant amount of damages, the insurance policy limit may be met. In these cases, having additional umbrella insurance coverage is a great option. With this insurance coverage, you will have protection on top of the base policies to cover larger claims. 

Ultimately, picking an umbrella insurance policy is a good idea for anyone that would like the peace of mind that comes with additional personal liability insurance. When you are searching for a new policy, you should call the Coastal Premier Insurance Group. The professionals at the Coastal Premier Insurance Group have helped people all over the Boca Raton, FL area determine their personal liability insurance needs. Based on this assessment, they can then help you to get a policy that provides the right liability coverage.